class Ivan{ String? name; int? age; } class Aprivate{ String? name, surename; int? _age; void set age(int years) { if(year...
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Sunday, May 9, 2021
So I've been running out of minds about how to fix Snap app launcher doesn't appear in menu, it is because I use ZSH instead of Bas...
Saturday, May 8, 2021
First you have to install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries Run: sudo apt install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries The...
How to fix "NetworkManager-wait-online.service" is slowing down at startup
Ivan Boginski
May 08, 2021
Disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service is not good idea. Thus, we just disable at boot and let it still function normally. You can mar...
Arch Linux,
MX Linux